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Palliative Care Formulary New home for information

The trusted information you are familiar with on has moved to a new home.

PCF Discussion Board

The Bulletin Board has been renamed to PCF Discussion Board and you can navigate to this by using the Resources option from the website navigation menu and selecting PCF Discussion Board.

To use the forum, you will need to create a account and confirm you are a health professional. Use the Log in button at the top of the page and select ‘Register now’ to create your complimentary account.

Visit PCF Discussion Board

PCF’s Syringe Driver Database

PCF’s Syringe Driver Database (formerly Syringe Driver Survey Database) is now accessed through Drug Compatibility Checker on MedicinesComplete.

Drug Compatibility Checker is the only source of injectable compatibility knowledge that combines published literature with real world clinical practice. If your organisation subscribes to Palliative Care Formulary through MedicinesComplete you will have access to PCF’s Syringe Driver Database through Drug Compatibility Checker at no charge through 2023.

Log in to MedicinesComplete or contact the sales team.

If you wish to submit a clinical practice report, you can do so from both the Palliative Care Formulary and Drug Compatibility Checker pages. Use the Products option from the website navigation menu and select one of these products.

Submit a clinical practice report

Any questions? Please email us on or visit our FAQs.