The final draft version of new, updated, and revised BNF Publications content is periodically displayed on this page for open review.
This draft content has been validated against emerging evidence, best-practice guidelines, and advice from a network of clinical experts. It is subsequently presented to our expert committee for appraisal against matters of policy and other considerations in light of new evidence.
Consultations will be available to view for a period of 2 weeks; replies must be received before midnight on the closing date specified in the draft content.
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Current consultations for BNF
There are currently no open consultations for BNF.
Current consultations for BNF for Children
There are currently no open consultations for BNF for Children.
Consultation comments
After an open consultation, BNF responses to individual comments and/or common themes received will be available to view for a period of 2 weeks once final BNF Publications content has been published.
There are currently no consultation comments to view.
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BNF and BNF for Children are available online through MedicinesComplete.

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Essential reference books published in updated book form twice a year.

BNF content is available for licensing through Pharmaceutical Press.